
10/16/2014 10:00
1) Grand Cayman is the Safest Country in the Western Hemisphere. We have a strong and respected police department that contributes to the Peace and Order of the Island.2) Best Climate. It surpasses Palm Springs or Palm Beach in the United States. 80’ to 90’s year round.3) It is not in...
10/15/2014 13:40
Owing a home is the start to building your wealth. It is a forced savings plan because instead of paying your landlords mortgage in rent you are pay yourself and building up equity. But how do you get that 5 or 10% down payment and another 7.5% for stamp duty? Here is a few ideas: 1) Pay yourself...
09/12/2014 13:20
1) Clean your front porch and door and it’s called curb appeal.2) Say goodbye to clutter! All that stuff on the kitchen counter must go, if you cannot throw it out, hide it!3) Float your furniture in the room, resist the urge to push it up against the wall, this makes the room look...
09/10/2014 09:17
Paint, Carpet and Wallpaper: Try and ignore the ugly or bold paint colour in the room. Paint is one thing that is very inexpensive to change and easy to change in a day! Same thing applies to wall paper, it may not be your personal taste but it is easy to change.  Yes, the shag carpet...
09/07/2014 16:43 in the home but have it ready on a days’ notice for your realtor to present your home. If you are realistic about your list price then hopefully it will sell quickly and shorten your time. Here are a few suggestions that can assist you: 1)    Start packing now, get...
09/02/2014 11:41
Start a savings account: We all know how expensive Cayman can be, but make sure you put a little something away from your paycheck every week. 5 to 10% of each paycheck should automatically be transfer to your savings account. (My savings account is not connected to my debit card, so I have...